USA Diary : 미국 생활 일기/미국 생활영어 공부

영어 관사 (A/THE/무관사) 구분하기

jenkang 2025. 1. 10. 06:49

영어에서 관사(Articles)는 명사 앞에 위치하여 해당 명사가 특정한 것인지, 일반적인 것인지, 또는 수량이 제한되지 않은 것인지를 나타내는 중요한 문법 요소이다.

관사는 크게 정관사(The), 부정관사(A/An), 그리고 무관사(Zero Article)로 나뉜다.


1. 정관사(The)

  • 특정하거나 이미 언급된 명사를 가리킬 때 사용.
  • 단수, 복수, 셀 수 있는 명사, 셀 수 없는 명사 모두에 사용 가능.

예시 문장 :

  1. The sun rises in the east.
  2. I saw a dog. The dog was barking.
  3. The book on the table is mine.
  4. The stars are shining brightly tonight.
  5. The river flows through the city.
  6. She went to the store to buy the milk.
  7. The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark.
  8. Did you see the movie I recommended?
  9. The boy who won the race is my cousin.
  10. The teacher explained the problem clearly.
  11. The car parked outside is hers.
  12. The weather is perfect for a picnic.
  13. He is the best player on the team.
  14. The chocolate cake you baked was delicious.
  15. The meeting will start at 10 a.m.
  16. The train to London leaves in an hour.
  17. The apple you gave me was fresh.
  18. The mountains are covered with snow.
  19. I love the music you played yesterday.
  20. The building is over 100 years old.

2. 부정관사(A/An)

  • 특정하지 않은 단수 명사를 가리킬 때 사용.
  • A는 자음으로 시작하는 단어 앞, An은 모음으로 시작하는 단어 앞에 사용.

예시 문장 :

  1. I saw a bird in the tree.
  2. She is an artist.
  3. He bought a car last week.
  4. There is an umbrella in the corner.
  5. I need a pencil to write this down.
  6. She is reading an interesting book.
  7. He wants to become a doctor.
  8. I ate an orange for breakfast.
  9. She gave me a gift for my birthday.
  10. We watched an exciting movie last night.
  11. He bought a ticket for the concert.
  12. I saw an owl in the forest.
  13. She has a cat as a pet.
  14. He needs an eraser for his drawing.
  15. There is a man waiting at the door.
  16. She is wearing an elegant dress.
  17. I met a friend at the park.
  18. He drank an iced coffee this morning.
  19. She has a talent for singing.
  20. We stayed in a small hotel by the beach.

3. 무관사(Zero Article)

  • 일반적인 개념, 식사, 운동, 교통수단, 학문 등을 말할 때 사용.

예시 문장 (20개):

  1. I love music.
  2. She goes to school every day.
  3. He plays basketball after school.
  4. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
  5. They traveled by car to the countryside.
  6. History is her favorite subject.
  7. I listen to classical music often.
  8. He went to bed early last night.
  9. We go to church on Sundays.
  10. She is studying biology in college.
  11. He enjoys swimming in the summer.
  12. They take the bus to work. **
  13. Dinner will be ready soon.
  14. We walked to the park yesterday.
  15. Love is a universal language.
  16. She practices yoga every morning.
  17. I learned English in high school.
  18. He reads books about science.
  19. Summer is my favorite season.
  20. He likes to drink tea in the afternoon.


왜 "Take the bus"인가?

1. 교통수단을 나타낼 때 "the" 사용

영어에서는 "take the bus", "take the train", "take the subway"처럼 특정 교통수단을 말할 때 "the"를 붙인다.
이때 "the bus"는 특정한 "한 대의 버스"가 아니라, "버스라는 교통수단"을 지칭하는 것이다.
즉, "버스라는 교통수단을 이용한다"라는 뜻으로 쓰인다.

2. 관습적인 표현

동사와 함께 교통수단을 언급할 때, 영어에서는 관사를 붙이는 것이 자연스러운 표현이다.
예를 들어:

  • I took the train to work.
  • She goes to school by the subway.

하지만 교통수단을 방식으로 말할 때는 무관사를 쓰는 경우도 있다.

예를 들어:

  • She goes to school by bus. (무관사)
  • She took the bus to school. (the 사용)

**왜 "by bus"는 무관사이고 "take the bus"는 정관사인가?

  • "by bus": 이 표현은 교통수단의 방식(method)을 강조하는 것이다. 따라서 관사를 생략한다.
  • 예: "He travels by bus, by train, or by plane."
  • 이 경우 "bus"는 추상적인 수단을 의미한다.
  • "take the bus": 반면에, **"버스를 이용하는 구체적인 행동"**을 나타내기 위해 **"the"**를 쓴다.
  • 예: "I take the bus every day."
  • 특정한 행동(버스를 타는 것)을 가리키는 표현에서 "the"가 관습적으로 사용된다.

비슷한 예시들

  • I go to work by car.
  • I drive the car to work.
  • She goes to school by bike.
  • She rides the bike to school.

결론적으로 "take the bus" 는 영어에서 관습적으로 사용하는 표현,
"버스를 타는 행위"를 말할 때 "the"를 쓰는 것이 자연스러운 표현이다.

+ 명사에 항상 's'가 붙는 경우

항상 's'가 붙는 경우 예시 :

  1. She bought two apples.
  2. The boxes are on the floor.
  3. These are my favorite shoes.
  4. The scissors are in the drawer.
  5. He owns three cars.
  6. The cats are playing in the garden.
  7. She has two dresses for the party.
  8. The students are in the classroom.
  9. The glasses are on the table.
  10. The pants are too tight for me.
  11. He picked up all the books from the desk.
  12. My neighbors are very friendly.
  13. I need new batteries for my remote.
  14. The houses in this area are expensive.
  15. These oranges are very sweet.
  16. The children are playing outside.
  17. The birds are chirping in the morning.
  18. The keys are on the counter.
  19. These watches are handmade.
  20. His trousers are made of cotton.
